Friday, June 5, 2015

An emotionally draining week

This couple of weeks have been very challenging to me. So many things happening which at times made me want to just run as far as I can and disappear while wishing it will all go away. However, I kept reminding myself this....

“ Allah tidak membebani seseorang melainkan apa yang terdaya olehnya, ia mendapat pahala kebajikan yang diusahakannya dan ia juga menanggung dosa kejahatan yang dilakukannya (Al-Baqarah:286)
After 3 months of being 24/7 with Isyraf, it's time for me to return to work. I must confess, I was not ready to be away from him. Part of me feels like tendering my resignation so I can take care of my Isyraf while another part of me trying to be reasonable. My better half's business just started, one of us need to have steady income in case things get hard. And that's how I comfort myself.

Just when I started my first day of work, got a call from my mother in law, my brother in law got admitted in hospital and in critical condition. I was in an event and rushed home to pick my kids and went straight to Batu Pahat. What we feared the most happened, he lost his consciousness and was surviving on life support. We tried all we can to save him. We wanted to transfer him to private hospital so he can have better treatment, however the private hospital said his condition was really bad that even they can't do anything to save him. All we can do is pray he will gets better. That's when the family decided to take him home. And few days ago, we lost him.

And only when we thought things could not get any worse, we were wrong. While we are still mourning, my better half was tested again. This time, his shop got broken into. He was so kelam kabut leaving the day before, he forgot to take the money home. My only comfort is that happened while no one is at the shop, so no one got hurt, Yes, sometimes when bad things happen, we need to look at the bright side.

We just need to look forward and continue living. We can't change the past but if we are smart, we learn from the experience and improve ourselves. What I learned is never take any relationship for granted. You don't want to live with regrets, and to feel we could have done more to manage the relationship, like how both my better half and I are feeling, we could have done more for Arwah Din. We will continue to live with regrets....

I also learned the meaning of patience. Patience when being tested. Patience dealing with others in time of crisis. Patience and pray things will get better. And patience to know this too shall pass...

And for now, let's take it one step at a time....

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